Elektronik cihazlarda sıkça kullanılan 7 segment display görüntüleyicisi 0’dan 9’a kadar rakamları ve bazı özel karakterleri anlaşılır şekilde gösteren bir bileşendir. Kullanılan bazı 7 Segment Display ekranlarından bazıları şöyledir:7 segment display ekranların her bir hanesinde (dijit) 7 tane LED bulunmakta ve bu LED’lerin katot kutupları ortak ise bu displayler için ‘Ortak Katot Display’ denilir. LED’lerin anot kutupları ortak ise bu displaylere ‘Ortak Anot Display’ denilmektedir. Diyotların Anot-Katot kutup gösterimi şöyledir:
Arduino 4 Digit 7 Segment Display Kullanımı
#include <TimerOne.h>
//the pins of 4-digit 7-segment display attach to pin2-13 respectively
int a = 7;
int b = 3;
int c = 4;
int d = 5;
int e = 6;
int f = 2;
int g = 8;
int p = 9;
int d4 = 10;
int d3 = 11;
int d2 = 12;
int d1 = 13;
long n = 0;// n represents the value displayed on the LED display. For example, when n=0, 0000 is displayed. The maximum value is 9999.
int x = 100;
int del = 5;//Set del as 5; the value is the degree of fine tuning for the clock
int count = 0;//Set count=0. Here count is a count value that increases by 1 every 0.1 second, which means 1 second is counted when the value is 10
void setup()
//set all the pins of the LED display as output
pinMode(d1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(d2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(d3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(d4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(a, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b, OUTPUT);
pinMode(c, OUTPUT);
pinMode(d, OUTPUT);
pinMode(e, OUTPUT);
pinMode(f, OUTPUT);
pinMode(g, OUTPUT);
pinMode(p, OUTPUT);
Timer1.initialize(100000); // set a timer of length 100000 microseconds (or 0.1 sec - or 10Hz => the led will blink 5 times, 5 cycles of on-and-off, per second)
Timer1.attachInterrupt( add ); // attach the service routine here
void loop()
clearLEDs();//clear the 7-segment display screen
pickDigit(0);//Light up 7-segment display d1
pickNumber((n/1000));// get the value of thousand
delay(del);//delay 5ms
clearLEDs();//clear the 7-segment display screen
pickDigit(1);//Light up 7-segment display d2
pickNumber((n%1000)/100);// get the value of hundred
delay(del);//delay 5ms
clearLEDs();//clear the 7-segment display screen
pickDigit(2);//Light up 7-segment display d3
pickNumber(n%100/10);//get the value of ten
delay(del);//delay 5ms
clearLEDs();//clear the 7-segment display screen
pickDigit(3);//Light up 7-segment display d4
pickNumber(n%10);//Get the value of single digit
delay(del);//delay 5ms
void pickDigit(int x) //light up a 7-segment display
//The 7-segment LED display is a common-cathode one. So also use digitalWrite to set d1 as high and the LED will go out
digitalWrite(d1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d4, HIGH);
case 0:
digitalWrite(d1, LOW);//Light d1 up
case 1:
digitalWrite(d2, LOW); //Light d2 up
case 2:
digitalWrite(d3, LOW); //Light d3 up
digitalWrite(d4, LOW); //Light d4 up
//The function is to control the 7-segment LED display to display numbers. Here x is the number to be displayed. It is an integer from 0 to 9
void pickNumber(int x)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
void clearLEDs() //clear the 7-segment display screen
digitalWrite(a, LOW);
digitalWrite(b, LOW);
digitalWrite(c, LOW);
digitalWrite(d, LOW);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, LOW);
digitalWrite(g, LOW);
digitalWrite(p, LOW);
void zero() //the 7-segment led display 0
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g, LOW);
void one() //the 7-segment led display 1
digitalWrite(a, LOW);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, LOW);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, LOW);
digitalWrite(g, LOW);
void two() //the 7-segment led display 2
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, LOW);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
digitalWrite(f, LOW);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void three() //the 7-segment led display 3
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, LOW);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void four() //the 7-segment led display 4
digitalWrite(a, LOW);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, LOW);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void five() //the 7-segment led display 5
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, LOW);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void six() //the 7-segment led display 6
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, LOW);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void seven() //the 7-segment led display 7
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, LOW);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, LOW);
digitalWrite(g, LOW);
void eight() //the 7-segment led display 8
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void nine() //the 7-segment led display 9
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
digitalWrite(e, LOW);
digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
void add()
// Toggle LED
count ++;
if(count == 10)
count = 0;
if(n == 10000)
n = 0;
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